Saturday, September 12, 2009

stickin with oink

Other things. Someone went to Brown Deer Park?!

1 comment:

  1. Top - Diminishings for a sense of distance - Nice.

    Next -Tones through proximity of lines. Difficult.

    Hydrant - I see no pencil lines as preliminaries to get the proportions right. Good ink eye!

    Bottom - My favorite; good placement with an interesting, left sided sky-piece; great stony effect; love the container plants peeking over the railing; I very much would like to see this one with some color; stones are such wonderful hues--blues, blue-greens, ochres, tans. Try a colored sketch. If you are afraid to ruin a good drawing, do a throw-away and add some kids watercolors. Claudia would be proud.
