Tuesday, November 23, 2010


On a drive through a "Feeding Zoo" we saw Zebras and Emus together. So . . .

Monday, November 22, 2010

Elephant Bathtubs

Elephant Bathtubs. Here is my humble offering. The drawings were done some time ago, but my scanner is being packed up right now, so i couldn't post them until Micah bailed me out! enjoy.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

CHALLENGE: Chance Limits

Let's start drawing again! Whoever will, one and all, let this be fun! No art here, just creative thinking with a pencil. But what a "just" that is.

This is from Sonheim's Drawing Lab:

Pick two numbers between one and ten.

Then look at the two lists in the "Comments" below and make a drawing of your combination. Make two or three different drawings of the same combo, more if you can, and pick your favorites. Post at will. Dougie and I are already done!


"Limit gives form to the limitless." Pythagoras

"The fewer limitations the artist imposes on his work, the less chance he has for artistic success." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Without firm limits there is no play." Rem Koolhaus

"It's a paradox: When you have complete freedom, you often freeze up and do nothing." Carla Sonheim: Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists