Friday, May 22, 2009

FF Pastel Pencils

Don't like 'em.


  1. they could lend themselves to a "smudgy" kind of a style. seems fussy for my tastes as well. sketching should be simple, right?

  2. I was in Hobby Lobby looking for an HB Carbon Pencil, just like my teacher Norman Battershill uses. They had only B Carbon, but lots of graphite and charcoal pencils. So I bought an HB charcoal. Blacker than soot. I guess it is soot. They also had a lot of pastel pencils. And they had the old square-stick Conte' Crayons. They are like pastels, but quite a bit harder, so they don't smudge much. They are the stuff of da Vinci's drawings, with the cool names: Sanguine, Bistre, Sepia, plus black and white. I had a few years ago and liked them. But I drew big, swinging my arm at the elbow on full sheets of newsprint. I thought maybe it was time again. Now they are calling them Conte' Pastels. Thinking the Pastel Pencils were the same, I bought some, hoping to swing on a smaller scale.

    Alas, they were the true, smudgy Pastels. I uncrinkled the plastic wrap they came in, re-glued the cardboard to it with the pencils inside, planning on returning them with only a line or two taken out of them. But waiting in the store for Mom after I paid for them, I couldn't wait and tried them out--on the back of their cardboard packaging. So--

    I'll keep them. See what I can make them do.
