Saturday, January 30, 2010

more bottles from me

That's a wine bottle label, from the back.


  1. Good to see the flat 4-B again. It seems more confident since you picked up the pen.

    Gotta love the inside label.

    And nice twos against threes.

  2. these are carbon, to put a point on it. the top one was my last, and i was getting weak by then. i grabbed the wine bottle for a subject, and then i noticed the lady. the actual label is maybe 1" wide, and very simple color blocks and text from the front. but they put this tall skinny face on the glue side of the label, and figured it just right so that the curve of the bottle expands her to full size. your brain forms a much cleaner mental map of her as you rotate the bottle, but any single snapshot has a lot of deformation from the glass.

  3. Ah, carbon. A boldly going where never gone before. I'm on that same enterprise. The last of my bottle paintings posted was also carbon. Mayhap we have a new friend?

    I'm hoping you keep that bottle! At least, long enough for me to see. I assume it doesn't work when empty. If you must through the bottle, save me the lady.
