Friday, July 29, 2011

FF Weeds 01

Saw the movie "Miss Potter." Started reading Beatrix Potter's stories and taking a closer look at her art. She's quite good on both counts. Soft landscapes of the Lake District of England--with her "friends" in them. I've been looking particularly at her weeds and ground cover. A great style. I thought I try my hand at it. How about yours?

1 comment:

  1. The top, second picture, was poison ivy plus a long stringy unnamed weed.

    The bottom picture has a pre-Weed-study city-scape. It's a portion of a distant mall with three light copper green roofs plus one roof of shingles, the large one in the middle. The whole thing is framed by the trees in the background and the large building in the foreground.

    Re. the weeds: I love how the Virginia Creeper has a family, either horizontally or vertically.

    I have come to love doing grouded foregrounds.
