Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Autumn drew her shoes and Sylvie's shoes.  Very nice still lives.  There's even some perspective in there!  (Hint: zoom in on the purple ones, they're strikingly accurate.)  The pointy things at the top are their hands putting on the shoes, and the gridwork at the bottom is the shoe basket.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

VBS Puppet Videos

Here is a series of videos that I made for VBS.  All of the videos were shot without scripts, and a good ten minutes of planning.  Keeping that in mind., they didn't turn out too badly.  The kids helped with with the supporting characters.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tad & the Thunderstorm

This is the first video I shot with Tad.  I had a little more thought put into this one, and I had a lot more time to work with it.

Tad & Feet video

Here is the third video i shot with Tad

Tad Video 1

Here is one of the video that I shot with Tad.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Looking for Depth

The strip malls here are not just flat facades. The landscaping in front of the stores and even in the parking lots adds to the appeal. 

I tried using toned washes of watercolor to work into the picture plane. I drew the pictures last summer and painted them yesterday.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tad The Train Conductor

Meet Tad the Train Conductor

Kid's Bible Adventures (KBA) is doing a unit on transportation.  I built Tad to introduce the theme for this session of KBA and to help me tell the stories to the kids.  He is made out of foam, blizzard fleece, a whole lot of thread and a whole lot of glue.  I even made his little train conductor hat.  He is a "live hand" puppet.  My first live hand.  I am excited to see how well he works.  I wanted to give him some bright orange hair, but the sans hair looks ok too.

Next project is an orange monster puppet. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Oh Give Thanks

Matt is a very special friend and student of mine.  We meet on Wednesdays to study God's Word together.  We talked about how God protects us and keeps us safe, just like he did for Noah and his family.  Then we also talked about how we might be able to show God we are thankful, like Noah did.  This is what Matthew came up with.  He and I are going to church.  I'm the one on the right side of the page.  I like it, because I have hair in this picture!  Thank you Matt.  Thank you.