Sunday, April 12, 2009

the light is better these days

Just, you know, some stuff, here. We use the pencil, we make the pictures. Spring sunlight is definitely more defining than Winter sunlight.

My "scanner" light must have been too dim when I "scanned" these - some detail did not make it.


  1. Nor can the best reproductions capture that slight gasp when you see your first Monet "Haystacks" in person. You're in good company. The real thing is always the real thing.

    Nice effect in the top picture with the lost edges on the steps. How much one can do with three tones! That yew shadow makes the cement so bright I want to squint--a sample of your dramatic contrast of "blacker blacks" and "whiter whites." Teachers suggest the focal point of the drawing be that place of greatest contrast. It doesn't always work out that way. But we can tweak. That's allowed. It certainly does grab your eye.

    I want to see the bottom picture again, "live," through its window of walls.

  2. Interesting comment about "spring light." Artists talk about the light in England being different. Luke agrees after seeing it. Why is it? So far north for a mild climate? At this time of year in pleasant spring mornings, before the grass and leaves, when horizons are fuzzy blue and things are bright but not intense, I think we are having "English Light."
