Sunday, April 5, 2009

Well, post Saturday is Sunday, so here's a post. That was a parked cop car at Estabrook.
This was actually done before Autumn was born - I got one in this week, but I didn't feel it was worth posting. Just getting back up to speed I guess.


  1. when i saw this drawing, i said out loud, "wow, that's really good!" I love the different tones. I love the composition. Well done!

  2. Your pencil strokes have a "liquid" feel to them. Inky. Marvelous! Nice lamp glass with lost edges. And the car is super! I find cars so hard to draw I'm ready to give up on them.

    Both the lamp and the car have their frames. I especially like how the car is in a tri-axle crisscrossing of the egg shaped frame.
