Tuesday, October 6, 2009

FF Sticking With Ink & WC

Although I'm not much pleased with the results, I find the combo addicting. I can see why so many on Urban Sketchers use it. Mayhap I'll fill a few sketchbooks and see what happens.

I have a kid's Crayola set with artist grade watercolors squeezed into the emptied pans. I use one brush, a diagonal flat, and a plastic honey jar for water. And lots of paper towels or Kleenex. I draw on site and paint on desk. From my color notes. Before I erase them they do make make the whole business look like a paint by numbers thing.

The bottom picture is a Kwik Trip garbage dumpster, plus a few other things. I'm calling it "La Crescent Schwedlers." That's what caught my eye, those turning Schwedler Maples. Went to La Crescent for apples. All the pick-your-own places are gone. Big thousand tree farms now. Minneapolis owed. When we talked about Greening Apples and going up those pointed ladders to get our own, the "Overseer" of the orchard looked at us as if we had steppped through a history book. No one has grown Greenings for decades. Not enough market. Not enough bakers of pies.

The top pic is a Victorian building in New Lisbon. Didn't have time to indicate a town. Worthy of a more careful drawing.

1 comment:

  1. yes, these are indeed beautiful! someone has "taken it to the next level" . . .
