Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jay's Stuff

Jay drew these pictures. He draw the Picasso Red Rooster with Micah.

Not bad for a first grader. Micah gave Jay book on drawing cars for his birthday. Look for cars in the future, I think.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Try this technique

I was just doodling with Autumn, trying to copy the Thomas on her shirt, and I stumbled on this technique (which im sure has been used in the art world for millennia, but its new to me!).  I had a light colored marker initially, with which I drew the entire scene, but it was ugly and terribly out of proportion.  But I had that feeling that it was "close".  So I went over it with a dark marker, adjusting lines where necessary.  The light marker fades into the background and becomes texture.  Voila, much improved, without starting from scratch.  I wonder if anyone has attempted a "three" marker technique?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Drawing on the Right Side-prelims

Since I did these drawings, I completed a few of the other exercises. I had to draw the face vase, and copy and line drawing upside down without turning it around to make sense of the picture. That is as far as I got before I had to return the book to the library and pay a hefty fee for being overdue...BUT...i now have the book in e-format on my nook. So I plan on working at it still. Puppets making is going slower than I expected. ( i haven't even started)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It was a blue day


Practicing our washes!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Drawing on the Right Side

I'm starting to read this book. It' taking me forever, because I need the time to sit down and do some drawing. Usually it requires more than 5 mins. BUt here two of my "preliminary drawings." I had to draw a chair, and a face. The face had to be looking at someone or looking in the mirror. It couldn't be from a photo. I have the drawings...but I've got to get them into the right file format.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

FF WEEDS - Bamboo

Yes, Bamboo is a weed here. Like crabgrass, only worse--12 feet tall and a web of roots that Bucyrus Erie can hardly move. But I like it. Mine are in containers. I got them when Josh was weeding his property edge. Our neighbor has some that have nearly black stems. The Atlanta Zoo used to come to gather some for the pandas. I shall have to go to ask for a few shoots. I like painting Bamboo. So did Wu Chen. He wrote a book on it 700 years ago.

The colored pic is watercolor. It takes four coats to get black.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Couldn't get the yellow-orange right, so I did a PC fill bucket. That looked good enough so I filled the two cropped versions. You can conpare the computer colors of the top two to the paint on the bottom one (but the yellow-orange is a fill. I still like paint, the feel, the smell, the texture of brush strokes--an actual, physical touch with the artist.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


If these don't make a lot of sense see the comment.

Friday, July 29, 2011

FF Weeds 01

Saw the movie "Miss Potter." Started reading Beatrix Potter's stories and taking a closer look at her art. She's quite good on both counts. Soft landscapes of the Lake District of England--with her "friends" in them. I've been looking particularly at her weeds and ground cover. A great style. I thought I try my hand at it. How about yours?


Let's try exalting the down-trodden, literally. Let's draw weeds. They aren't hard to find.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Drawing day

That's a person, there, and some tiger lillies.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

salty VBS projects

As promised here is one salt shaker. It's pen and ink. I couldn't find a pencil when I started sketching, and my muse had been used up on the puppet and VBS I just had to get through it....someone once told me art becomes something more when it's created even without a muse.....
thanks for restarting this.

Monster Puppet Musings

Well, I don't have a salt shaker, but i do have some sketches of a monster puppet I want to build. I definitely have a personality in mind for him, but I'm curious to see what you think he'd be like. I also have a VBS project to post, and then I'll get to the salt shaker. They're coming soon.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

CHALLENGE: Salt Shaker

Ours can't all be the same. Or you could do one on your napkin next time you are eating out.
How about one speed pic, one carefully done, and one more of your choice of media, color, style, etc? Let's shoot for June 18. Or sooner if you have any ready.


Pine cones are one the hardest things I've ever drawn. Such a complexity of shape and shadow. I couldn't get it right. I ended up tracing their sun shadows. Then I drew a silhouette. Then tore one apart and drew the parts. I'm still working on this subject. The order is from the bottom up.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Depth by Overlap
From the bottom up:
1. Holly & Myrtle
2. Kitchen Broom
3. Cat Window (Ellie's Carved Cats)
4. Kitchen Cabinets
5. Publix
6. Waiting Room


From the bottom up:
1. School Bus
2. Crepe Myrtle & Holly
3. Factory Windows
4. Two Semis
5. Blue Awnings

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

FF FACES 1, 2, & 3

1 & 2 Watercolor
3 Ink & Crayola