Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ever since I tried "Blind Contour Drawing" (Tracing the outline of a thing with your eye and pencil, but not looking at your paper), I've been taken with simple contours.  The blind drawings were disjointed miseries.  Partly Blind Contour Drawing--peeking every once in a while--works better.  And is a super trainer of the perception when it is a "Good-eyed Drawing."

Here's a simple face.  (It took me a while to dare faces in this direct way, and another while to get one that wasn't from Outer Limits.)  This is a pic of a woman in a winter coat and scarf.  On the original--an add for the coat--her nose and face were about the same tone.  So I left her nose out.


1 comment:

  1. A good face - it would seem to me that the more extreme the viewing angle, the more difficult the proportions. Then again, I can't even draw a face straight on (yet), so I could be mistaken.
