Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Perspective on perspective

The top picture was sketched quickly from the inside of my van. Not happy with it. But i want to share it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The picture on the bottom right is the doorway to my office in the basement of St. Luke's. I found it was hard to "flatten out" the lines that weren't in my "focal point." It was hard to draw the peripheral images, because once you turn your head, or move your eyes off the focal point, the perspective changes. Also depth perception messed me up alot. I had to do a lot of one eye sketching.

The picture on the bottom left is the dentist waiting room- i sketched it right before my teeth and periadontal tissue were violently assulted with blunt and sharp objects.


  1. These are some fine drawings. Perspective is deceptively hard. No wonder the Middle Age artists did such wierd things with it. You'd think that just by looking a person would get it right. But that's the hard part--looking and then seeing. It's clear you have seen.


  2. Nice arrangement of parallel worlds - one comfortable, one . . . not. The comfortable one is broad and inclusive, the uncomfortable one is claustrophobic and minimalistic. Very expressive. The perspective on the office doorway is quite good. I believe however, that there is one out-of-perspective line in that drawing. Can you see it? It's the line between ceiling tiles inside the office. As far as I know, those ceiling tiles are square with the layout of the office - so that line should be parallel with the doorway lines. the other ceiling tile lines (the ones perpendicular to the doorway) are just right.

  3. Micah. I know what you saying about the ceiling tiles. In fact, i know you noticed it right away when you looked at the picture last night. The funny thing is, that is honestly how it looked. I'm not kidding. I wanted so badly to draw it "in perspective" but that is not how is looked from where is was sitting in the doorway. (see there is a little "drop down" in my ceiling right before the doorway. That dropdown is not seen in the drawing, and it distorts the "perspective" rest of the ceiling lines. Thanks for noticing...I did too, but that is honestly what i saw. I wondered if coloring or shading might help, but it was just a sketch.

  4. Could you do another quick sketch and show us the drop-down?


  5. The top picture is more good than bad and ugly.
    The proportions are correct and give the feeling of being in a car. And I like the little mini pic in the side mirrow.

    I have often enough sat in a car waiting and sketching. When it's a parking lot, there often isn't much to draw but the other cars. I have found them extremely difficult to draw.
