Saturday, January 17, 2009

These are all the quick sketches i've done so for. I learned the most from sketching the mp3 player. At first i didn't realize what grabbed my attention, but as soon as i started sketching I realized what it was. It was all the shades of blacks that caught my eye, and i like the snake like composition to it. I realized this because i became increasinfly frustrated with my sketch becuase i couldn't capture what attracted me to draw this in the first place.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice grays of the black. And I like the hat--the DaVinci lines. Are you left handed too, like so many greats?


  3. Terrisme is not a word. The hat's the best here. There is nothing about it's proportions that alarms the eye, and I like the sketchiness. Seems appropriate for our little bloggie. The in-car sketch is neat because it takes a few seconds to wrap one's mind around the extreme angle of it all - the view is almost directly downward.
