Saturday, June 27, 2009


Mom found this Swallowtail completely in tact but dead on the ground in front of our parked car at Kwick Trip.


  1. I used to pick up dead butterflies there along the KT sidewalk and take them home to draw them. Often they were crumpled or broken, but some were in tact. I found mostly Sulphurs, once in a while A Mourning Cloak or Frittilary. It seems they get hit by the bumper or hood of a car, and the wind of the moving car holds them in place. If they aren't mashed, they often just fall off onto the ground when the car stops. The KT parking area in front of the store is often a dead butterfly dumping ground. See if you can find any. Do let me know.

    This Yellow Swallowtail has on the base of its bright yellow tiger wings--and this is what attracted me to draw it--smallish blue brush strokes contrasted with an even smaller hint of orange. Zaz! That's complimentary color arranging! Necessary for evolution, of course.

    The pic was done with 2B graphite, Crayola crayons, and a Sharpie fine point. I use the Sharpie because it can draw over crayon, and crayon can in turn be used to blend the black of the Sharpie. But, odd, the Sharpie would not draw over the graphite.

    I like this subject enough to try it a few more times.

  2. Neat. It takes extraordinary measures to replicate iridescence, after all.
